aLENS quickstart

This a gentle introduction to running aLENS on a local computer using docker.

Creating a container

  1. Pull latest docker image from dockerhub

    docker pull lamsoa729/alens:latest
  2. Make a folder to access your simulation data stored generated in docker container

    mkdir my_alens_data; cd my_alens_data
  3. Create and run a docker container from the image pulled from dockerhub

    docker run --volume=<path/to/my_alens_data>:/root/Run --name alens -dit lamsoa729/alens:latest

    replacing <path/to/my_alens_data> with the path to the directory made in the previous step. For completeness, here are the descriptions of the used options:

    • --volume: option mounts the containers /root/Run directory to your local machines <path/to/my_alens_data> folder so you can interact with data from your local machine. This is useful for playing with visualizations and post-processing of data without increasing the size or memory usage of the container.

    • --name: Gives the container a name to easily identify what the container is for and access its command line later interface (CLI) later.

    • -dit: Combined shorthand options of --detach, --interactive, and --tty. This essentially runs the container perpetually in the background until you manually stop it. While it is running, you can interact with it through a terminal – originally called a TeleTYpe (TTY) for historical reasons.

You now have access to an environment that can run aLENS but will create data files on your local computer.

Running aLENS inside docker containter

  1. To open a CLI with your docker container, you can either use your native terminal or docker desktop’s GUI.

    • For native terminal

      docker exec -it alens /bin/bash
    • For docker desktop, click the running alens container while in the containers section Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 5.08.59 PM.png then click the terminal tab in the upper middle of the window Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 5.08.59 PM.png

    You may treat this CLI just like any terminal that is connected to a remote server.

  2. From this CLI, navigate to the Run directory

    cd /root/Run 
  3. While still in the CLI, copy the example configuration to the data folder

    cp -r ~/aLENS/Examples/MixMotorSliding .
    cd MixMotorSliding
  4. Copy the contents of the Run template directory from aLENS to the data folder as well

    cp -r ~/aLENS/Run/* .

    You should now see an aLENS.X executable in this directory along with result and script directories containing useful scripts for processing, storing, and cleaning up generated files.

  5. Run aLENS

    # or to control the number of cores used
    OMP_NUM_THREADS=<number_of_cores> ./aLENS.
  6. Stop the run by pressing [ctrl+c]

  7. Execute run again as we did in step 4. Notice that the aLENS simulation continues from the last snapshot. This is a very useful restart feature for longer runs.

Parameter and initial configuration files

The executable aLENS.X reads 2 input files (4 if specifying starting object configurations):

  • RunConfig.yaml specifies simulation parameters for the system and rod-like objects (sylinders).

  • ProteinConfig.yaml specifies types and parameter of crosslinking and motor objects (proteins).

  • TubuleInitial.dat specifies initial configuration of sylinders (optional).

  • ProteinInitial.dat specifies initial configuration of proteins (optional).

Example parameter config files


#Example of system and sylinder configuration file
conMaxIte: 10000
conResTol: 1e-5
conSolverChoice: 0
logLevel: 3
monolayer: false
rngSeed: 1234
  - 20.0
  - 1.0
  - 1.0
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - false
  - false
  - false
sylinderColBuf: 1.0
sylinderDiameter: 0.025
sylinderDiameterColRatio: 1.0
sylinderFixed: false
sylinderLength: 0.5
sylinderLengthColRatio: 1.0
sylinderLengthSigma: 0
sylinderNumber: 4000
dt: 1.0e-05
timeSnap: 0.01
timeTotal: 10.0
timerLevel: 3
viscosity: 1.0


#Example of crosslinker and motor configuration file
KBT: 0.00411 #, at 300K
    - tag: 0 # Type 0, active Kinesin-1
    walkOff: true
    PtoAPratio: 1.0
    fixedEnd0: true
    freeLength: 0.05 # um
    rc: 0.038 # um ( freeLength/2 + D/2 )
    kappa: 100 # pN/um
    fstall: 7.0 # pN
    lambda: 0.5 # dimensionless, energy dependent unbinding
    vmax: [0, 1.0] # um/s
    diffUnbound: 1.0 # 0.436 um^2/s when viscosity=0.02
    diffBoundS: [0.0, 1.0e-2] # um^2/s
    diffBoundD: [0.0, 1.0e-2] # um^2/s
    # KMC parameters
    useBindVol: false
    lookupType: 1
    lookupGrid: 2048
    eps: 400 # um^{-1}
    Ka: [0, 10.0] # (uM)^{-1}
    ko_s: [0, 1.0] # 1/s or [0.3, 10.0]
    Ke: [0, 10.0] # (uM)^{-1}
    ko_d: [0, 1.0] # 1/s or [0.3, 10.0]
    freeNumber: 0
    fixedLocationPerMT: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] # 80
    - tag: 1 # Type 0, passive Kinesin-1
    walkOff: true
    PtoAPratio: 1.0
    fixedEnd0: true
    freeLength: 0.05 # um
    rc: 0.038 # um ( freeLength/2 + D/2 )
    kappa: 100 # pN/um
    fstall: 7.0 # pN
    lambda: 0.5 # dimensionless, energy dependent unbinding
    vmax: [0, 0.0] # um/s
    diffUnbound: 1.0 # 0.436 um^2/s when viscosity=0.02
    diffBoundS: [0.0, 0.0] # um^2/s
    diffBoundD: [0.0, 0.0] # um^2/s
    # KMC parameters
    useBindVol: false
    lookupType: 1
    lookupGrid: 2048
    eps: 400 # um^{-1}
    Ka: [0, 10.0] # (uM)^{-1}
    ko_s: [0, 0.1] # 1/s or [0.3, 10.0]
    Ke: [0, 10.0] # (uM)^{-1}
    ko_d: [0, 0.1] # 1/s or [0.3, 10.0]
    freeNumber: 0
    fixedLocationPerMT: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] # 20

NOTE: All default values and further explanation of parameters can be found in SimToolbox/Sylinder/SylinderConfig.hpp and Protein/ProteinConfig.hpp files in the aLENS gitrepo.

Initial configuration file lines (optional)


First two lines: Number of sylinders, time step. (These do not get read for initial conditions.)

Sylinder type

Global ID


Minus end x-pos

Minus end y-pos

Minus end z-pos

Plus end x-pos

Plus end y-pos

Plus end z-pos


Option/parameter type

‘C’ for regular cylinder or ‘S’ stationary










Example line












First two lines: Number of proteins, time step. (These do not get read for initial condition.)


Protein character

Global ID

Protein tag

End 0 x-pos

End 0 y-pos

End 0 z-pos

End 1 x-pos

End 1 y-pos

End 1 z-pos

End 0 bind ID

End 1 bind ID

Option/parameter type










int (-1 if not bound)

int (-1 if not bound)

Example line












NOTE: For example initial configuration files, navigate to Examples/MixMotorSliding/TubuleInitial.dat and Examples/MixMotorSliding/ProteinInitial.dat. If no configuration files are present in the directory aLENS.X is run, objects will be generated according to the parameters in RunConfig.yaml and ProteinConfig.yaml.