Installing aLENS from scratch

General tasks to do beforehand if developing aLENS

  • Get github account and collaborator status on aLENS and SimToolbox

  • Install git and setup up token access in global git config

  • (Optional) Get Intel license to install MKL on system

Ubuntu (version 22)

WARNING: Make sure you have more than 2Gb of RAM and 30Gb of hard drive storage. There are work arounds for reduced memory and storage but these are not covered in this tutorial.

  1. (Optional) If on virtual machine set up port forwarding to ssh into desktop SSH into virtual machine in virtual box

  2. Upgrade to make sure you have latest apt version

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
  3. Install MKL on system (from this blog)

    wget -P /tmp [](
    sudo apt-key add /tmp/GPG-PUB-KEY-INTEL-SW-PRODUCTS-2019.PUB
    sudo sh -c 'echo deb all main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-mkl.list'
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install intel-mkl-64bit-2020.0-088

    apt-key command may throw a warning. This is fine, but for further reading, please see: What commands (exactly) should replace the deprecated apt-key?

  4. Tell computer where to find mkl by setting

    export MKLROOT=/opt/intel/mkl

    Linux usually installs the mkl package in /opt directory but check to make sure intel/mkl is there. Otherwise, go searching for it. Be sure to add MKLROOT variable to .bashrc file so that you don’t always have to type above command when you open a new terminal. Quick way to add this command to your path is with the command

    echo 'export MKLROOT=/opt/intel/mkl' >> ~/.bashrc
  5. Install other necessary dependencies

    sudo apt install gcc g++ cmake openmpi-bin openmpi-doc libopenmpi-dev lbzip2

    Make sure your make version <4.3 otherwise Trilinos12 will not compile. This can be installed by first removing make and then downloading and installing the debian package

    sudo apt-get remove make
    sudo dpkg -i make_4.2.1-1.2_amd64.deb
  6. Make directories to store program files

    mkdir -p ~/projects ~/local/aLENS
  7. Create project structure and clone

    cd ~/projects
    git clone --recursive
    cd aLENS/Dep
  8. Download depency softwares using the provided script


    This can take longer than you think. Just be patient.

  9. Make necessary changes to file which includes changing installation directory to

    # your installation destination, use ABSOLUTE PATH
    #os.environ["SFTPATH"] = os.environ['HOME'] + \
    #    '/envs/alens_env'
    os.environ["SFTPATH"] = os.environ['HOME'] + \
  10. Compile all the dependencies


    This will take a LONG while. Go take a break and come back.

  11. (Now following the installation guide on github landing page.) Go back to aLENS root directory and create a build directory

    cd ..
    mkdir build
  12. Modify by replacing the variables SFTPATH and CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX definitions with

    -D SFTPATH="${HOME}/local" \
  13. Go to build directory, run cmake script, and make executable

    cd build
    sh ../
    make -j <number_of_compiling_cores>

    WARNING: Leaving <number_of_compiling_cores> blank creates threads equal to the number of cores on your local machine. If you do this with a virtual machine, it will most likely crash during compilation.

    Compiling creates the executable file aLENS.X which you can run in any of the example simulations included in the Examples directory of aLENS.

Flatiron cluster (2022-05-18)

This is much easier but only because all dependencies are already installed on our module system.

  1. Make useful directories to store program files

    mkdir -p ~/projects ~/local/aLENS
  2. Create project structure and clone

    cd ~/projects
    git clone --recursive
    cd aLENS
  3. Load essential modules

    module purge
    module load modules gcc cmake gsl boost lib/fftw3 intel-mkl openmpi4 trilinos/12.18.1-mpi eigen vtk
  4. Export environment variables

    export FFTWDIR=$FFTW3_BASE
    unset OMPI_CC
    unset OMPI_CXX
    export OMP_DISPLAY_ENV=true
  5. Modify by replacing SFTPATH and CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX definitions with

    -D SFTPATH="/cm/shared/sw/nix/store" \
  6. Make and go to build directory, run cmake script, and make the executable

    mkdir build
    cd build
    sh ../
    make -j

This will produce an executable file aLENS.X that you can run in any of the simulation directory included in the Examples directory of aLENS.